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Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Last Respects to Dirubhai Ambani

Paid my last respects to the doyen and Tycoon Dhirubhai Ambani

It was on July 7 2002 a sunday to enjoy at home comfortably according to my dictionary. I got out from the bed around 10.A.M and something prompted me to glance the headlines. I was shocked to read the headlines.

All the prayers and efforts to save the giant proved futile. The headlines read "Patriarch of India Inc Passes away". My heart broke down when I understood the news and there was a struggle to meet him before he left for his heavenly abode.

It was declared that the Dharshan and homage was available for the general public from 9:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M . I rushed out and got myself refreshed and set off for my journey to meet the emperor at his empire at 39,Sea Wind CuffeParade. I picked up a train from Thane to VT(Victoria Terminus or CST). I started at 11:00 A.m and managed to reach his residence at 1.30 P.M

I could see a fleet of cars from the starting of the road to the end. I guessed his residence and marched quickly. I saw a few thousands waiting in front of his residence along with press reporters and media people.

I slowly asked the security If i could enter in. The security showed me the green signal and there I was stepping into my role model`s castle.As I started,I was welcomed by the metal detector and there were a few hundreds of RIL employees guiding me to the destination.

All the peple were dressed in white symbolizing purity. My eyes rolled around to catch up the vision satements of the doyen and here were a few excerpts

"Give the youth of India the right environment. Motivate them. Each and every Individual has Infinite source of energy. Tap the energy and deliver the goods for the nation"

"I do not just want to meet the deadlines , I want to exceed the deadlines"

"There is no Invitation to make profits" "Have a big vision .

Dreams and Imagination are not monopolies. He who gets the bigger picture need not worry about his present obstacle" Every place had his mission and vision statements along with the King Makers portrait adorned with flowers.

I was lost in reminiscence and suddenly I saw myself forging ahead to the important part of the place. I saw Anil and Mukesh Ambani thanking all the people who had come to pay the last respect and homage to the departed Industrial Magnet.

As I was about to offer my flowers, I was interrupted in between as some VIP had come to pay his respect. It was a golden opportunity. I saw all the family members gathered together and there I saw my Inspirational Vitamin, Prize Son of India lying down peacefully with a smiling face adorned by a golden towel on his forehead.

As I offered my flowers, Barely did I recognize the tears that poured from my eyes and it was just a manifestation of every aspirant`s gratitude to this wonderful philanthropist and God Father. I was indeed bestowed to meet my Visionary and offer my gratitude through prayers. I spoke to Mukesh stating that Ambaniji was my Inspiration and he has fostered so much youngsters to dream big. I just touched his hands and moved silently.................. What an environment it was!!!!!!!!!

I had to spend my time and energy to reach this place before 3 p.m It was worth an attempt as I discarded all my colleagues statements and was determined to bid my farewell to my Champion and Leader at any cost. I just chanted my prayers and meditated for 30 min . Bhajans, prayers were played from all corners and a big void had occured in Indian History. I left the residence with a heavy sigh...

With the overwhelming response of prayers,wellwishes and passion that Indian people have shown to this Immortal giant I can only conclude that

"for Men may Come and Men may Go.... But very few people embark their names not in monument but among hearts of the fellowmen."

It is an indelible mark and no doubt Ambani is a testimony to epitome of success. Ambani`s ideals and principle will continue to drive the youth and Ambani`s chapter will remain as verdant as the fertile plains until the crack of doom.

It was an experience of my Lifetime and whatever I have attempted to write is only 1/10 of what I actually felt.....


1 comment:

Purnima said...

I remember this incident you had shared with me in patni....

I was really moved when u had narrated the thing as i m moved when i read it........


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