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Saturday, 14 April 2012

Success - Five Important Ingredients

Over the years, I have been trying to understand how few people succeed effortlesly and gain accolades/laurels at ease when there is the rest of lot are cribbing that destiny is against them.

Here are my 5 identified magic ingredients to success that I have seen working amidst all professionals across the globe.
1. Dream Big -
I think it starts here when one starts to envision how to win Big and how to roar like a lion even when you are a cat
2. Self Discipline -
This is one of the important aspect that is often ignored. It includes everything from getting up early in the morning, control of senses, ability to follow the process irrespective of outcome, doing things day-in and day-0ut whether you like it or not.
3. Attitude - It is all about Attitude!!!.
You can hire a Professional with great skills/talent (Aptitude) and you can train someone to acquire the skills needed. However Attitude is something one has to acquire and it stays intact all through the life. As the saying goes, Attitude measures the Altitude of person`s success.
4. Persistence - Quitters never win and Winners never Quit.
Believing in oneself and not giving up on things when it seem to fail is easily said than done. But the Price of Persistence makes you win against all odds stacked against you.
5. Honing Professional and Life Skills
Being adapative and honing necessary professionaland life skills(Certification,Training) are instrumental to pace one with teh growing trends/challenges and be prepared for the future.
Let me know your thoughts and suggestions from your perspective.

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