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Tuesday, 14 August 2012

BCP/DRP - Reality Check

As a Consultant, I go and do workshops and provide pragmatic recommendations on Business Service Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for my Customers.

These become handy for real time life scenarios as well when we get to admit the fact that natural resources are not likely to be taken for granted.

In India, we have situations where there is total black out (Planned or Unplanned Outage) where you get lucky to get notice in advance or left alone to deal after the fact that a Power Grid/Transformed got distrupted. This affects Water to be transported to the overhead tanks using Motors and submersible water pumps.

Just because, we do not have the luxury, to take things for granted, we have precautionary measures and backups ready in place all days

1. Back up water is stored on a 10-12 L Storage on a daily basis to make it available under need basis

2. Inverters are prechecked for its full usage and maximum capacity and best practice is drawn to determine bear minimum usage for retention during longer periods

3. Priority check is brought in to execute mandatory services and the rest of them are either delayed or outsourced

4. Volunteers get into action, to help flat inmates for assistance of services/additional water capacity and relief measures.

I see that once we start using the Processes/Framework to our day-to-day use, we stand to walk our talk and invariably reinforce the aspects with powerful business case.

Human Element of IT

Today, we are so used to Virtualized world that the Whole of IT somehow has forgotton the human element of IT
Tool/Process and Technology are all great aids to bring about transformation of IT and Business Outcome.
However, the simple fact that Human beings are instrumental in making things happen is getting lost somewhere in our race to be the fastest ...
Value to human beings and their importance is losing its shine because, we have become more commoditized.
It is time, we retrospect and give the people due recognition and empathize with their feelings and emotions....
There is so much of History that tells us that with the Power of People and their Synergy, we have made a world of difference..
After all Human Being is the most fascinating creature of this whole universe!

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